Thursday, October 16, 2008

Around the Hemisphere

If I was undecided yesterday (which I really wasn't), then today I am decidedly certain...the real question is, why is this man smiling?
  • With elections not looking favorable, Chavez looks to distract the electorate with more threat generation. This quote from a former Venezuelan ambassador to the UN is one of the best encapsulations of Chavez’s tactics that I have seen: "President Chávez has used his anti-Americanism as a form of government policy, not only internationally but also when faced with a series of errors that he cannot explain." Hell, he hates us so much he even goes after McDonalds
  • Jose Miguel Vivanco, the HRW official expelled from Venezuela by Chavez last month, tells his version of the story, as linked to by Daniel at VZ News and Views.
  • Meanwhile, HRW goes after Uribe in Colombia for interfering with the judicial process by trying to lean on judges for investigating links between members of his government and paramilitaries.
  • Carlos Menem is being investigated for arms trafficking, supposedly selling weapons to Ecuador and Croatia in the 1990s.
  • The Cocaine Diaries is a BBC series featuring Alex James of Blur traveling around Colombia looking into how the cocaine business works. I haven’t had a chance to see any of the series, but it comes highly recommended. I’m hoping it will re-run on BBC America at some point. If anyone knows of alternative means of viewing, by all means share…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just FYI: empanadas aren't that big of a dear in Arg. Probably lead in the alfajores or choripan.